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¿Busca obtener más conocimiento sobre Dios y la Biblia?
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Sugerencias de la Biblia
Tener la Biblia correcta es muy importante. No todas las versiones de la Biblia en los estantes de hoy reflejan con precisión las Escrituras, tal como fueron escritas por los escritores originales, a quienes Dios inspiró para escribir los libros de la Biblia.
Aquí hay dos opciones asequibles de versiones que reflejan con precisión las Escrituras tal como Dios las diseñó sin la interferencia de los hombres.
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
What must I do to be saved? There are so many "paths" to God out in the world. How do I know which one is correct?
What Does The Bible Say About Baptism?
What does the Bible say about baptism? Is it really necessary? What purpose does it serve?
10 Good Reasons To Believe In The Bible
Why should I trust that the Bible is from God? Is it worth reading? Why should this book direct my life?
Estudios sobre convertirse en cristiano
Two Covenants
What is the difference between the Old & New Testament? What applications can be made from each?
Overview of the Bible
I don't know very much about my Bible? How does the whole story fit together? Where do we fit into it?
Is The Bible The Word of God?
Is the Bible really from God? Did he really speak these words? Wasn't the Bible written by men?
Basic Bible Timeline
What is the overall story of the Bible? Who are the people talked about and how do they fit together?